Ambient and Procedural Sound Design UE5 Course 27-08-22

 Ambient and Procedural Sound Design - Richard Stevens and Dave Raybould

So I've started making notes and going through the Epic Games course on Ambient and Procedural Sound Design. I went through some university documents to get an overall grasp of Unreal, also the primer from Dave Raybould was a valuable resource to get my groundings on implementation in UE5.

I made this demo to demonstrate what I had learned and read from multiple sources, so the next step was to start the course on Ambient and Procedeural Sound Design which you can find here. This is the first section of the course I have demonstrated in the video below. 

I have imported some sounds from the SONISS GDC collection of free sounds which you can find hereThis is all I have at the moment but its a great experience learning this engine and how audio can be imported into it.

Will keep this blog posted with new updates in my learnings.
Stay Tuned :D


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